Lash Lift treatment is a method of achieving thicker, longer and darker natural eyelashes. Namely, the client's natural eyelashes are treated with keratin, which has a similar effect as when it is applied to the hair. In this way, the “lifting“ eyelashes, their length increases, the density increases, but also the color darkens.

Lash Lift eyelash is an ideal treatment for clients whose eyelashes are short and straight, bright in color. After the treatment, greater density, length and darker color are immediately visible. In addition, Lash Lift is recommended for clients whose eyelashes are thick and heavy, easily flattened, and difficult to curl with an eyelash curler.


The expression of the eyes and face depends on the shape of the eyebrows, their color and length. Eyebrows should not be dry black, dry long or short, fused or sharply bent at an angle, should not rise above the eye sockets and should not protrude below them. The shape of the eyebrows should emphasize individuality and be in accordance with the shape of the eyes.



Lash lift 3.500 RSD
Eyelash tinting 700 RSD
Eyebrow correction 600 RSD
Eyebrow tinting 700 RSD
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